
My Love♥

I'm back to my hometown again! It's nothing special cause I'll back to Malacca almost every week *wink* Have make an early 'appoinment' with my love since she used to reject me when I ask her out for a date! She just love to ffk..haha

We went for movie yesterday(25/2/11), I want to watch Black Swan and Burlesque so badly and i could'nt find anyone to accompany me, so she's the lucky one~ Haha
We didnt take any photo yesterday cause we are kinda lazy..

You can get the summary from the net, so, am not going to type out the summary of the movie again.. I just want to say that, everyone have a good and evil side, people being kind-hearted is because the had control over the evil one. So, don't ever let the evil side to had control over you or else you'll end up like Nina( Natalie Portman).. Lol
Fyi, Natalie Portman as Nina in Black Swan is in the finalist of Main Actress in Oscar Awards 2011!

Today, we went to watch Burlesque and No Srting Attached!

Burlesque, 620pm
Christina Aguilera is GORGEOUS!!!!!! I love her hair style in this movie! Seriously I didnt heard news about her like yearsss.. Now, she's still gorgeous! Click here for more pics Burlesque Photos.. Jack (Cam Gigandet), you are my type!!! I gone crazy in the cinema cause you look so good although with eyeliners on! And you are so muscular!!! I want a boyfie like Cam Gigandet so badly~ lol *Mr. Denis, am just kidding, I still love you xD*

You are HAWT!!!

I can't take my eyes off you

Here are some camwhoring pic~

On our way to Golden Screen Cinema

With her♥

After watching Burlesque, it was already 820pm. So, we decided to go Movida for dinner. Movida is actually a Kitchen. Bar. Club Lounge, if I'm not mistaken there is a main branch in KL.

Drinking my favorite vanila milk shake. Seriously, is too sweet! =.=

Dad's Brownie yucks!!!! Don't ever try it~ It taste is so weird><

Tobasco pepper sauce with pizza is the best combination ever!!!

Off to movie at 950pm again.. No String Attached quite funny although is about sex.. Again, Natile Portman as the main actress:) Back home after movie~ Then we shall call it a day ♥


My Valentine's Day

Is for you, I'm going to write in chinese since you don't like to see my blog in english. 这是我们第三次庆祝情人节了. 这两年半里,发生了很多事,开心的不开心的都有,经历了很多. 庆幸的是我们还能走到现在. 一段感情不是靠一个人去维持的,是要两个人一起努力的!虽然远距离恋爱很辛苦,但是我们都选择继续维持:) Thankiu!♥

因为说了很久要去SanFrancisco Steakhouse,可是每次都去不成. 所以那天就去了^^

准备好后就出发到SF Steakhouse


SF Steakhouse 是在马六甲第一件像样的western restaurant *I know it sounds so wrong* 以前要吃这类的食物都得到kl才找得到. 现在开了一间这样的餐厅在马六甲很不错^^  *pic taken from the net*


Their interior design~
当天选择穿上maxi dress :D

while waiting for the food to serve!

appetizer?? sorts of like bread serve with garlic spread.
这张很cute xD
ILY♥ *不错吃,只是面包的皮有点硬*
Mushroom soup+garlic bread~
它们的garlic bread很香,蘑菇汤我们就不怎么喜欢了. 不合我们的口味~喝起来味道有点怪怪的. 我们还是prefer campbell soup xD

Vanila milk shake^^

我点了middle-well的*forgotten*,他点了middle的ribeyes. 结果serve来时,我们都不知道哪个是自己的.. xD

这两个都还蛮好吃的.  没有我不喜欢的味道~ 可是我个人比较喜欢下图的. 

Mash potato,他的最爱:D *好吃*

我喜欢它的potato和broccoli. 吃起来很爽口,很好吃~

没吃到甜点,因为真的太饱了. 吃完后聊下天,上下网再离开

这一餐吃了大概150MYR. 吃完后我们就赶着去cinema看戏,当天看了‘最强喜事’. 我是觉得它好看过'I love Hong Kong' 咯. ILHK跟72家租客有点像. 大概看到十点多我们就去我们的老地方♥


他在台湾时买了DSLR,从以前我们就一直说要去拍照,今天就来了这里拍. 不是很专业,但是还可以. 因为没有那些晚上拍照的道具,所以只好这样咯.

我们都很希望有人可以帮我们拍咯. 那就有很多张合照了~





情人节当天我们也有庆祝,照片还没拿到. 拿到后会post在fb~

p/s: I miss him:(